1. Registered Office And Incorporation
Carsted Rosenberg Advokatfirma GmbH (“Carsted Rosenberg”) is formed under the laws of Switzerland and registered as a limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) with the commercial registrar of Canton Obwalden pursuant to the provisions of HRegV. of 17 October 2007 with company registration number (HR-Nr.) CH- (UID Nr.) CHE-114.437.705 and registered domicile at Bahnhofstrasse 2, 6060 Sarnen, Switzerland. All references on this website to ‘Carsted Rosenberg Advokatfirma’, ‘Carsted Rosenberg’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘the firm’ are references to Carsted Rosenberg Advokatfirma GmbH and no other reference shall be inferred or implied.
2. Professional Qualifications
The lawyers at Carsted Rosenberg are (a) appointed by the Danish Ministry of Justice/Department of Civil Affairs (Civilstyrelsen) and are members of the Danish Bar & Law Society (Det Danske Advokatsamfund); and/or (b) appointed by the Supreme Court of England & Wales and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and members of the Law Society of England & Wales.
3. Professional Liability Insurance
All lawyers at Carsted Rosenberg are covered by professional liability insurance and guarantee issued by HDI Global SE Insurance with an additional insurance cover provided by Zürich Versicherungsgesellschaft AG, Switzerland. This applies whether the relevant lawyer has a Danish or a foreign qualification. Liability insurance covers all legal services performed by Carsted Rosenberg lawyers and consultants. The title “partner” is used for practical convenience to define seniority and does not of itself mean that any individual to whom it is applied is a partner in a general partnership or a member of Carsted Rosenberg. A list of members may be inspected at our registered office. However, in accordance with the Washington Supreme Court Admission and Practice Rule 26, lawyers admitted to practice in the State of Washington are not required to have professional liability insurance coverage. For the purposes of insurance disclosure and limitation of liability, legal advice rendered by Carsted Rosenberg and any member of the Bar of the State of Washington working for Carsted Rosenberg, does not have profesional liability insurance cover and the services rendered to the client are being rendered without professional liability insurance in relation to the State of Washington. Carsted Rosenberg and any member of of the Bar of the State of Washington working for Carsted Rosenberg exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law any liability in relation to such advice. To the extent not excluded, no liability in relation to such advice can exceed the salary received for legal advice relating to the State of Washington.
4. Regulatory Supervision
The lawyers at Carsted Rosenberg are subject to (i) the Danish Bar & Law Society’s regulatory and disciplinary system and the rules of professional conduct and legal ethics; and (ii) the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s code for the professional conduct of solicitors and the regulatory and disciplinary system of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We operate under the overseas rules of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The rules specifically governing the exercise of the legal profession can be found on the respective Law Societies’ websites at the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Law Society of England & Wales and the Solicitors Regulation Authority. In addition, the EU provides for Online Dispute Resolution here.
Grievances against lawyers who are licensed to practice law in the State of Washington should be filed with the Washington State Bar Association. For information on whether a grievance might be appropriate in your situation, visit the Washington State Bar Association. To discuss filing a grievance, call US 1-800-945-9722 or write to this address: Washington State Bar Association, 1325 Fourth Avenue Ste 600, Seattle, WA 98101-2539.
5. Data Privacy
We follow the applicable rules and guidelines provided by the Danish Bar and Law Society and the Law Society of England & Wales in relation to inter alia the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). For the purposes of Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the GDPR we have outlined our privacy information to data subjects in a separate document for you to download and keep with your records. Please consult our data privacy policy: Data Privacy Policy May 2018
6. Website Disclaimer
By accessing any part of this website you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions. We may change or update the information on this website (including these terms and conditions) at any time without notice.
This website contains copyrighted and proprietary material. The trade marks, logos and trade names displayed on the website are the property of Carsted Rosenberg or other third parties and you are not permitted to download, copy, modify or use them without the prior written consent of the owner. The design and layout of the Website is protected by copyright, database right, design rights and other similar laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part.
The information on this website shall not be used as a substitute for legal advice, but is only intended for general information on matters of interest. While we endeavour to represent the information on this website as accurately and correctly as possible, we cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions.
Certain parts of this site link to external internet sites, and other external internet sites may link to this website. Carsted Rosenberg is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.
We monitor visits to our website and record the IP addresses of visitors to our website. This information does not identify you as an individual, and our website does not uses cookies.
By accessing this website, you agree that you will access its contents solely for your own use and in this context you may print out a single hard copy of any part of the content of this website. Except as expressly permitted by this notice, you may not (except to the extent required in order to use this website in accordance with these terms and conditions) copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, delete or show in public any part of this website or systematically extract material from this website or any document available through it, create any derivative works from it or in any other way exploit commercially all or any part of this website or any document available through it without the prior written permission of Carsted Rosenberg.
Publication of electronic addresses on this website is for the purpose of professional communication only and must not be used to infer consent to the receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic messages.
7. Financial Services and Succession
The Firm is not authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority or a similar regulatory body for the provision of financial services, but we can undertake certain activities in relation to investments which are limited in scope and are incidental to our legal services or which may reasonably be regarded as a necessary part of our legal service. If you are not satisfied with any advice you receive from us in this regard, you should raise your concerns with the SRA.
We do not hold or administer client funds and we do not provide client accounts. To the extent that a client account or trust account is needed, we refer to a financial institution that takes deposits in the ordinary course of business.
Carsted Rosenberg is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or the Prudential Regulation Authority of England. Carsted Rosenberg act as legal advisers; it is not part of our role to give advice on the merits of investment transactions. Any investment decision is for our clients to make and no communication by us should be treated as an invitation or inducement to our clients to engage in investment activity.
While the LLP structure is the preferred legal form for most professional services firms, the decision by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and continued legal uncertainty as to England & Wales and the European Union has resulted in a conversion of the LLP into a firm registered under the laws of Switzerland under the laws of the European Economic Area. As of 1 January 2016, Carsted Rosenberg Advokatfirma has by universal succession acquired all rights and obligations of (i) Carsted Rosenberg LLP, a limited liability partnership formed under the laws of England and Wales pursuant to the provisions of the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000 as a limited liability partnership in England & Wales at One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DY, United Kingdom registered with the Registrar of Companies for England & Wales with partnership no. OC393746; and (ii) the service company Carsted Rosenberg Partners Ltd. registered at Companies House with UK Co No.: 08939911 at 145-157 St. John Street, London EC1V 4PV United Kingdom.
8. Attorney Advertising
Some of the material contained on this website may constitute attorney advertising within the meaning of sections 1200.1 and 1200.6-8 of Title 22 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations and, to the extent that those rules apply in whole or in part to this Website, the following statement is made: PRIOR RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE A SIMILAR OUTCOME.
Carsted Rosenberg is not advertising legal services nor representing that any Carsted Rosenberg entity holds the authorisations and permissions necessary to provide legal advice in all jurisdictions in which the information contained on this website may be received.
9. Illegal Use of our Name
There are illegal schemes in operation where the name of law firms and/or the names of its lawyers and representatives are being abused for various fraudulent emails, letters and phone calls. You should exercise caution if you receive any unexpected or unusual communications which purport to come from a member of our firm or on behalf of our firm. Genuine emails from Carsted Rosenberg use the domain "". We are aware that there are recurring attempts by third parties to use domain names similar to legitimate law firms to impersonate lawyers and other employees. If you need to check with us whether a communication is genuine, please contact us to confirm before replying or taking further action.
Fraudulent communications involving use of a law firm or a lawyer’s name typically seek to deceive a victim by atttempting to divert payment to an alternative account, issue fictitious invoices or reimbursements, or suggesting that funds can be obtained against payment of a fee upfront for various fictitious expenses. Another variant is to send demands for money in relation to non-existent claims. Sometimes fake documents referring to a firm's name and/or its lawyers are sent to the victim.
If you receive any instruction to pay to a different bank account, please contact Carsted Rosenberg before making payment, even if that instruction appears to have come from Carsted Rosenberg. You should exercise heightened caution and contact two separate members of the firm by email and telephone for confirmation.
Common themes include:
emails purporting to be from Carsted Rosenberg and attempting to divert payment of an invoice to an unauthorised bank account.
emails purporting to be from Carsted Rosenberg inviting you to review purpoted documents stored in the cloud or on a third party server.
inheritances from overseas or unknown relatives or individuals with the same surname as the recipient
bogus review websites
fake barristers misusing our name regarding funds to be released from banks
contracts purporting to be drafted by us for your review.
use of our telephone numbers by fake credit consolidators
offers of internships after payment of an 'administrative fee'
WhatsApp messages which purport to attach an electronic contact card for one of our partners and which invite the recipient to contact the partner to discuss a new transaction.
We are not involved in these transactions.
This is not an exhaustive list and new deceptions are being invented all the time. Please remain vigilant for your own protection. These deceits aim to get your money and/or obtain your personal data for use in other illegal activities. They may not always request money or personal details on initial contact but will often do so after you respond.
Please also note that, we do not use Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo email addresses, nor any other similar email addresses. Please be aware that spoofing may occur where an email is masquerading as coming from a sender or sharing some form of document which will require you to enter e.g. your login details and password to a third-party site such as Microsoft Sharepoint or similar. You should remain alert to communications involving typosquatting (i.e. similar spellings to our website domain) and other domain mimicry by fraudulent actors.
We recommend you delete scam emails and do not reply to scam letters. If you need to check with us whether a communication is genuine, please contact us.
The Solicitors Regulation Authority also maintains a list of known scams involving use of the names of UK law firms which can be found here. When a firm's or individual's identity has been copied exactly (or cloned), due diligence is necessary. If you receive correspondence claiming to be from a firm or an individual, or information of a similar nature, you should conduct your own due diligence by checking the authenticity of the correspondence by contacting the law firm directly by reliable and established means. You can contact the SRA to find out if individuals or firms are regulated and authorised by the SRA and verify an individual's or firm's practising details. For Danish lawyers, you can consult the Danish Bar & Law Society. Other verification methods, such as checking public records (e.g. telephone directories and company records) may be required in other circumstances.
10. Impressum
This legal notice constitutes in its entirety the statutory impressum for the purposes of Art. 3 Abs. 1 lit. s Nr. 1 UWG (CH) as required for Swiss private limited liability companies.
Carsted Rosenberg Advokatfirma GmbH
HR-Nr. CH-
UID Nr. CHE-114.437.705
Bahnhofstrasse 2, CH-6060 Sarnen, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0) 79 901 3713
Contact: Michael Carsted Rosenberg
Danish banking finance law firm